Wednesday, August 23, 2006


its been just over 5 months since i last posted. and i am tired!

just the other day Stan and me were talking about depression. i suspect every person in the class may be clinically depressed. people are starting to crack up under the stress. i know im not coping as well as i would like. delayed dentures, skipped slots, and now a pharyngitis. bugger this. i want holiday and i want it now! but not before i pass those 2 competencies on friday. pulling that off might just make me go down in history for most crazy competency stunt attempted ever, but all i want to do is get some of that junk out of the way.

contemplating a spare exam case. looks like it has a bit of a history, though. talked to the last operator, and not only does the patient speak only mandarin, he also started to find excuses not to see her just as exam time was drawing near. but in itself, the case is damn simple. so tempting...

JT has made up a blog to let us get the news on CBT and official events. so if you love battletech and need some action, get the hell over and check it out already!

浪漫手機 - 周杰倫