Sunday, January 30, 2005

Be Still My Soul

had an amazing saturday! got to meet up with SC3 again, and it feels like so long since we met. so many of the girls are either doing honours or studying, and the guys are looking chubbier and chubbier. and we learnt that you should never call an occupational therapist a masseuse. even if the people he works with are called clients and not patients because of services rendered... also totally amazed that Ruth the Archie Girl can still find time to play WoW. truly a dedicated gamer. should find time to get her to play DotA!
i think afternoon DotA is not as competetive as night-time DotA. the calibre of players is much lower, case in point being the game i just played. for craps sake, 3 leavers in the first 5min? enemy players complaining when i run off to the fountain? it came down to me and some canadian guy who was making anti-asian remarks, 1v1. so as he made a big push with a leaver, i took 2 windwalking leavers and piled him from behind! twice, no less, as he tried multitasking. wish i had more chances to do this kinda work, because my multitaking isnt so strong. better than his apparently. he quit after dying for the 3rd time in 5min. making the game a great 10min long. had just reached lvl11... assholes!
Finlandia - Jean Sibelius

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