life is a complex thing is it not? the brotherhood has been activated into a rather unpleasant incident relating to our business cards. guess i might as well take the opportunity to lay out, in coherent fashion, what has been going on
1) we need business cards to hand out for clinics. some nice designs have been made up but they lack a certain something like a logo that will give the cards a distinctive identity
2) motion was floated to request for permission to use the Densoc logo. because
a) NUS and NUH logos are not available to us
b) the faculty has no crest of its own
c) we are all members of Densoc
3) Mao went to Rachel to ask permission for usage of the Densoc crest. he was turned down as there were concerns about how Densoc is merely a social body. she also stated that the exco discussed the matter and come to this decision.
4) none of the year 2 or 1 exco members were approached concerning the matter
5) our card designs were submitted to the Deanery for approval. all our card designs. including undisputed card designs as well as both crested and uncrested versions of the controversial cards
6) Mao and Shafiq met with Prof Ong and she told them that the deanery preferred the crested designs aesthetically, and even wanted something that could be used as a standard card for future clinical classes to use. but they were also told that they should approach Rachel again for usage of the crest.
7) Mao, Clement, Shafiq and me went upstairs after school to find Rachel and talk to her. we got Alvin and Bien instead. Rachel had left a little early
8) while we talked to the 2 of them, Alvin laid forth the reason for not having the crest as being that no everybody in his year wanted to use the crest, or even business cards for that matter.
9) as we left, Mao asked him if the whole exco had deliberated on the request for usage of the crest. he replied in the affirmative, but then after a moments deliberation modified his statement to only members of his class having considered the crest issue, further qualifying by saying that such matters did not require a formal meeting
10) the next morning, just before the cleaning and shaping test, Rachel and Alvin came to find Mao in lab2. Rachel asked Alvin to tell Mao their decision. Alvin proceeded to inform Mao that their stand concerning the crest had not changed ie no crest for us. they also informed Mao that they had conferred with Prof Ong and she had said that, in the contrary to (6) only certain designs, not including the crested designs, were approved
11) after lunch Prof Ong came to find Mao. her emotional state could be best described as non compos mentis as she proceeded to lambast Mao for trying to push for the crest in our namecards
and so we have a big mess. i have tried to put out in as objective a representation as possible all that has happened lah.. i have to state that i do not agree with all that has happened or been done concerning both sides. but the reason im sticking with Mao for this is that due to the conflict in statements, his integrity has been called into question. its sad how something so simple has been blown way out of proportion...
and on a lighter note, heres one of the songs that's been running in my mind lately...
I never really feel quite right
I don't know why, all I know is there's something wrong
Every time I look at you, you seem so alive
Tell me how do you do it, walk me through it
I'm following every footstep
Baby on your own you take a conscious step
Do you wanna give it up?
But all I want is for you to SHINE
Shine down on me
Shine on this life that's burning out
I say a lot of things sometimes that don't come out right
And I act like I don't know why
I guess a reaction is all I was looking for
You looked through me, you really knew me like no one has EVER looked before
Baby on your own you take a cautious step
Do you wanna give it up?But all I want is for you to SHINE
Shine down on me
Shine on this life that's burning out
I know, I know, girl you got something
SHINE (shine it on to me)
Shine down on me (I wanna feel it)
Shine on this life that's burning out
Baby on your own you take a cautious step
Do you wanna give it up?
But all I want is for you to SHINE
Shine down on me (just show me something)
Shine on this life that's burning out (you give me something that I neverknow)
Shine (it gonna kill me if you give something away)
Shine yeaaah (I wanna know what's going in on your mind)
Shine on this life that's burning out
so yeah... tomorrow should be an eventful day lah. looking for Prof Ong to sort thing out and soothe bruised egos and whatever. i hate it when this happens.
Shine - Mr Big
*happy birthday PJ!*