Thursday, April 28, 2005

Only You

usually dont blog so many times in a week, but i just felt the urge to reflect on all the stuff that's gone on since we started term. i think the class is going downhill. i suppose its a common theme in all my rants, cos we dont go out and blah blah yakkety-shmakkety. and frankly i do miss watching movies and drinking coffee and karaoke and windsurfing and all that jazz. but the decline has gotten to a level where now everyone i talk to feels a sense of detachment from the class, as if they have been left to fend for themselves. please people, remember that your support network extends to all 34 of us. most of us have made the effort to at least bond with our cluster during year 1 and 2... dont let a friendship slide just because we are in clinics now. we cannot chain our souls to the lab bench. please leave when you should, and not when its past our time. pissing off the profs and supporting staff one by one has no good outcome. i know that there's the perfectionist urge in all of us, and if we didnt have that we'd make pretty poor dental students. but yet theres the ability to sense when something is appropriate, when it is time to cover the wax, wipe off the omega trimmer and walk out the door for the night.
i'd also like to say that these 2 weeks wouldnt have been so bearable without the presence of my Lab Partner PJ. working with her next to me in OD is like having an extra pair of hands and an extra brain. certainly much more comfortable because i dont feel so alone. and her buoyant sense of humour is a definite added bonus. i think i'd really be lost without her, she means a lot to me.
My Will - Dream

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