Thursday, June 16, 2005

Twist And Shout

somehow due to my laziness this is going to be an entry of yesterday's events. the blissful laziness of the holidays are really setting in!

spent the morning at a Sinseh in Marine Parade. the Annie Tiang clinic seems to be a family practise, cos the 2 Sinsehs in the place have the same surname and all. his diagnosis agreed with the Orthopaedics guy... cept he was much less happy about the operation treatment plan the Orthopaedics guy had laid out. which is of course music to the patient. who wants to go for major surgery and not be able to walk for like a month? and so it looks like my mum will be going to him for treatment for her bum knee and back issues. after that we went down to Orchard to have an x-ray done of mum's back. pretty nice waiting room they have... funny enough on their services listing while there was the usual standard film x-rays there was no DPT.
off to see the SMU ppl today so that i can get my bloody scheduling organised! like... finally. think they just went up and forgot their ol' following spotster...
Cable Car Romances - Pug Jelly

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