Thursday, August 04, 2005

Why Is It You?

seems like of late my blog updating has been very infrequent. stress of school has been getting to me, and my mood has been goin downhill.
i got to tell myself not to touch FP cases, for even pre-prep work, because they seem to make life very shitty for me. treatment plans get overturned, trays i dont anticipate get drawn, and i end up overtime, feeling very low. the only thing which actually went okay for me this morning was my IDN block. doing crown preps in real patients is shitty, because youre worried that when you want to run an interprox bur through, you'll slash off half his freaking tongue which in its stupid overactive way is happily feeling over the lingual margins. and for craps sake, whats wrong with a heavy chamfer?! patient is root-treated for craps sake. core could have been straightened, but nooooooooo... had to put it at some gay tilt requiring a heavy chamfer to get 6% taper. this case is gonna be the death of me. these are really the times you wish thay someone could give you a hug and make you feel just that little bit better about life.
Dearest - Ayumi Hamazaki

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