Saturday, November 20, 2004

Mother, What Is A Half-Demon?

just got back from Shafiq's little Hari Raya cookie binge. what an afternoon! think i overdid the cookies tho, since surprisingly PJ, Taby and Mao were all going light on the food. also had a long conversation of the brotherhood on the way back from Bedok. its amazing what you miss when you arent seeing things clearly...
destroyed my stupid master cast for RPD in a moment of inspired clumsiness. so once i get my c-clasps bent up, i'll be surveying and blocking all over again. somewhat pissed about it... but life has its ups and downs. its not the ups and downs that matter, but how we respond to them. this differentiates the victim from the survivor.
next week is DM. and the content is so much i just hope i can absorb it all. looks damn near impossible... and im still out of my groove. at least it isnt as abstract as pharmaco.
am i too aggressive sometimes? in school? out of school? in conversation? in practice? is it desirable? is it counterproductive? its me! vindicated, i am selfish, i am wrong, i am right, i am right, and i knew it all along! muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

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