Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Emblem Of Grand Endeavour

today is the 119th anniversary of Founders Day. a day i commemorate every year as i remember my schooling life. i get asked why i still bother. why the past has such a hold on me, even though i no longer tread the halls of ACS with any regularity these days. even though my friends are scattered around the globe, and we only meet about twice a year. this school means a lot to me. it was the school that gave me a chance when i came back from overseas poorly equipped to study in singapore. the school that shaped my ideals of loyalty, friendship, excellence. the school which i served in return when i entered JC. and the school i hope my sons and daughters will have the opportunity to go to eventually.
amidst all the saturation of studies at this point in time, the stress and inability to vent it, i'd like to make an important announcement...
DotA v6.00 is now available for download! yes indeedy people, not the leaked beta but an official public version with many changes which will revolutionise the way that we play DotA. with such a huge volume of change, there are a lot of bugs and it looks like our D1 vs D2 match (already in the works) may have to be played in v5.84b. but nonetheless something to look forward to. and the new terrain is... swooshy! hoping for a release of v6.01 etc soon...
This Is The Last Time - Keane

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