Saturday, October 30, 2004

Bend It Like Beckham?

saturdays can be at the same time amazingly boring and amazingly fun. it depends what time of the day you catch me at. today however had a much higher proportion of fun. orchestra cancelled due to wedding, and so i spent the afternoon flat on my back sleeping off the effects of the early-morning stygian desolation. and then... movie!

shark's tale has made it onto my recommended list. although a teensy bit short, the animation is good and the script is well-written with nice little intelligent portions that make it more than just a kiddy show that will leave mums and dads fidgeting. casting was well done, and artwork somehow matches the character of the voiceovers very well.

also reflecting on how the first movie i ever saw with Jo was a fish movie, Finding Nemo to be exact. seems like so long ago... before i even entered uni. and it still mystifies me as to why the hell an 8-year old girl had a huge orthodontic appliance on!

naptime was interrupted mid-way by a distraught sms. pj killed a tape that i had lent her of the 9pm channel 8 show that we all missed due to the Marche binge last night. ah well, whats a tape between friends?

what is it exactly that attracts guys to girls? why am i always attracted to the ones i cant chase? and not the ones that i can, even though theyre nice, caring, intelligent, elligible people? theres a foot space and a logical gulf between the heart and head...

She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5

It Just Flies

am stuffed to the gills with Marche food. overpriced but not too bad flavourwise. the end result of a class outing whereby we were subsidised 10 bucks as overflow from FOC canvassing. it was quite well attended, say 2/3 of the pple? had some semi-wild semi-jane austen spin the bottle truth-or-truth session after dinner... it woulda been truth or dare cept lim peh seemed to be too daring. whats so wrong about going up to some random guy and singing him a song?

its quite annoying when you want to blog just about everything, but due to tiredness you skip a day. yesterday was full of interesting stuff... but somehow it all gets lost in the great boil-out that is a nite's sleep.

im just glad that chris is out of singapore idol. the poor boy... slaughtering a Cole Porter song. looks like his fans grew ears. and i like the song Orange Coloured Sky! unfortunately daphne's delivery was a little bit sub-par...

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Smash And Grab

is it a bad sign if im dreading the preventive classes? radio lessons are so fun, but after that... was having a bitchin' session with the guys during lunch and the preventive class came up. i think that a class fully driven by presentations is a very risky experment for any teacher to undertake, because of the lack of control in exactly what we learn. at the end of the day, i still want a base of knowledge that is at least complete enough for me to inform my patients and make decisions. and the preventive classes seem to be, frankly, going nowhere. now what makes this different from our normal PBL? PBL is in small groups. the facilitating doctor can still rein in the group if it goes out of whack. and we at least have the basic knowledge to rationalise with before we get down to investigation. what do we know about fluorides? balls-all! zip! nada!

am back to cutting preps again. damned if i havent lost my touch since doing all the waxwork! looks like my kill-bill is gonna rise and rise. but as with all things, i got to start somewhere.

gold bill came back. $171? whoa momma!

wanna watch movie again! any takers?

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

And The Greatest Miracle Of All

in between DotA games again... the wonders of a stable school net connection!

school was great... got the molar wax-up progressing well, interesting patho practical. almost made up for the mega-nap of a patho lecture. some are not born to didactics i guess...

she likes the earrings! w00ts!

saw the juniors in the library, and it brought back memories of the last year. has it been so fast? time sure flies... to Xiao Mian Yang et al, good luck for the anat test!

Monday, October 25, 2004

Showers In The Spring

what a day! just had one of my worst DotA thrashings ever. did we suck or was the other team good? at least i had a positive kill ratio. just have to love those remote mines! excellent for blowing an arrogant meat shield and his retinue of creeps to kingdom come. or respawn as the case may be. i have to confess to an adrenaline rush every time i get a remote mine kill, because of the sheer delicacy of timing the detonation. Ka-Booooooom! muahahahahahahahaha!

managed to evade sleep in microbe lecture through the sheer amusement power of 0.7 SS wire. in the space of 2 lectures i managed to bend out a matching pair of dangly heart earrings, and gave them to a classmate after school. really hope she likes them. and i also really hope i managed to smooth out the rough ends, cos without a lathe i had to file them with the diamond grit on the surfaces of the universal pliers. hate working without the proper tools.

popped by to see the juniors. Kanglun was using super-direct vision! i proceeded to smack him and correct his posture. children these days... at least reach special term before developing bad habits lah!

Longer - Dan Fogelberg

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Tian Xia Wu Shuang

just watched the cutest, dumbest romantic chinese comedy movie ever. yeah, believe it or not jon does indeed have a soft spot for mushy movies. it was the usual princess meets commoner thing, but they managed to ask all the pertinent questions. like when tony leung's character meets his ex, and sees how she's gotten on in life... once i thought i had met the under-heaven-no-double girl in my life. that dream left me one and a half years ago. and i still wonder who the real one is. is she hanging around right under my nose waiting to show her true destiny? does she know that i am seeking her?

and the good Lord does indeed work in mysterious ways. cref yesterday's rant, hymn 288 was indeed cut from service last-minute in a manner i never expected. a prayer answered in an unconventional manner!

jon has decided to have titles for his posts!

Full Orchestra Panic

church was rather more active than usual today. during the pastoral prayer i suddenly realised tt i hadnt worn my tie, and it was sitting rolled-up rather reduntdantly in my shirt pocket! then during the sermon, i decided to sit backstage instead of going into the auditorium as usual. about 15min into pastor's msg, Auntie Jasmine came in looking flustered and asking where my Dad was sitting. initial suspicions proved correct, Grandma wasnt feeling well. suspected CVA, sent to NUH.

just had a mega-nap for the last 3 hours! amazing how much u can sleep on a sunday afternoon... but i feel good!

Saturday, October 23, 2004


birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it! lets do it, lets fall in love!

what a day! think i shoulda passed my rpd test, judging by Dr Thean's paper review. and all my teeth are set up! gum waxing and the co-commitant flaming has however caused loss of contacts, so looks like i'll be grinding the teeth again.

i have also come to the conclusion that it is probably easier to go out and catch a movie with Mother Theresa than it is to do the same with one of the class girls. thankfully i didnt end up going out with Mother Theresa tonight. instead i caught De-Lovely with Jo! got to say that it is one of the most unconventional love stories i have ever seen. Mrs Porter had the patience of a saint, and the nicotine consumption of the devil. and the music and orchestration for the movie was absolutely fantastic! an absolute must to watch! without Mother Theresa for reasons best not revealed so as not to spoilerise the movie.

orchestra provided the usual heartaches. but Ah Pooi had a short feedback session with Jo, me and another person. i just hope that what i said will be acted upon, because i'm using this as a test to see just how seriously they take advice. tomorrow will tell...

Let's Do It, Let's Fall In Love! -Sheryl Crow

Friday, October 22, 2004

Two Faces, One Name

lunch break! had an excellent lab session, got my canine done up and am currently cutting back the wax to make space for porcelain. saw Prof Yap demonstrate his amazing no-stirring powder-into-liquid technique. one day i will be as powerful as him...

called AL's name in front of Prof Yap so tt he could stop waxing and come for demo, and prof yap turned his head! dammit lah... heng i never scold AL.

think my old disease might be relapsing from chronic phase into acute phase. this is really just the thing i dont need, but how does one resist these elemental forces? *sigh*

wanna go out again! moviemoviemoviemovie! hafta make use of the no-test period.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Wasting My Time, I've Got Nothing To Do...

the only thing thats good about the pharmaco computer lab is the computers!

finally, finally, finally got to watch Sky Captain! b-grade plot coupled with excellent graphics, requiring the viewer to STFU and watch the show with child-like wonder, ignoring the massive logical leaps.

the Brotherhood was also lamenting the reticence of the womenfolk in class to go watch movies with us. seems as if theres an unusually high concentration of reserved, shy girls in our class. boggles the mind....

another amazing PBL session. Dr Thean explained to us the concept of the minimally-invasive Toothbrush Santa-Claus. when i grow up, i wanna be worth 100 bucks for a class 4 CR!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Heigh Ho!

PubMed is an evil, fickle, complex system. for the life of me, searching it is a pain in the ass. either that or no-one does in-vitro studies on actual release of fluoride ions from composite resins.

today i made an investment! an investment is what happens when you entrust your hard-made assets into a the hands of another, where unseen by you, magical transformations will be made and hopefully in a while you will have substantial returns. yes indeedy... with a bit of luck i'll be burning out and casting tomorrow. got to go buy gold...

ran into the divine Ms Belle in the library today. looks like the medicos have been having it bad... 4 tests in a week, and the pharmaco isnt absorbing for her. which makes me shudder to think of what will happen when i get my results back.

Monday, October 18, 2004

The Gift Of Love

the lyrics to a hymn i've been hunting for for a while.


The Gift Of Love:

Though I may speak with bravest fire,
And have the gift to all inspire,
And have not love, my words are vain,
As sounding brass, and hopeless gain.

Though I may give all I possess,
And striving so my love profess,
But not be given by love within,
The profit soon turns strangely thin.

Come, Spirit, come, our hearts control,
Our spirits long to be made whole.
Let inward love guide every deed;
By this we worship, and are freed.


is this the right time to start a rant on alternate tunes to hymns? muahahahahaha....

sometimes people get so caught up with switching tunes and lyrics around that we lose the original feel and applications of the words or tune. when it comes to the point that i cant even remember what the original sounds like, it makes me stop and think... have we lost out composer's original intent?

Probe Me Baby One More Time!

believe it or not, im here in the student lounge at 8 on a monday nite. had to leave the house to escape pearl harbour so i can do my bloody pbl. seems to be quite a hassle, although the lessons themselves are pretty ok. and dr thean is sooo nice! hopefully we can get sth up for her.

never thought trying to get movie company would turn me into a pseudo-despo...

and how long does it take for food dyes to fade from human tissue? the corner of my mouth is still a bit pink. dammit... my turn to get probed by pj today. an experience not to be forgotten... learning issues being, try not to cut the patient in the gums with the mouth mirror, and the distal of the 7 or 8 is a plaque trap! and highly characterised teeth just have a massive tendency to pick up stains and whatnot... like mine. damn. hengfully my plaque score is low.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Cataphract My Ass!

another weekend in my life has flown by. played another round of CBT, and got horribly whipped.

lessons learnt:
1) somehow, inferno must be carried
2)focus fire pertains not only to an enemy target, but its facing aspect. especially for bloody vees
3)the dice are fickle, evil bitches
4)slow 4/6 heavies must avoid intervening hills which slow you down on the way to your intended target

got home in time to catch part of pearl harbour. kate beckinsale is HOT! enough for me to hardly notice jennifer garner at any rate...

and i still want to watch sky captain and the world of tomorrow!

Saturday, October 16, 2004

what a game! havent been smacked around that bad since... like... well... actually never! decided to skip orchestra.. think they'll be fine w/o me lah. and i'll actually say the time spent elsewhere was more fun. *sigh* which will be continued in about 10min as the Dental DotA clan prepare to ride again!

sadly, did not get to go and watch Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow. was talking to pj about watching it tonite, but in the end she ended up goin out with her family. cant begrudge her the time since her sis is bk from the UK with a spanking new Masters in Econs. looks like the charms of Jude Law lose to family ties.

lesson of the day: never say GG until your creeps are pounding the other guy's FT/tree to bits.

have decided to wear my pink Zara shirt and tie tmr. no better time to make a statement than when mum and dad arent ard. muahahahahahaha!

Magic Fingers

DotA session about to begin! had an amazing RPD session, wherein Dr Thean explained to us the importance of playing the violin. yes, indeed, violin playing strengthens the fingers of the left hand so that you can apply ungodly pressure against your 0.9 gauge SS wire or whatever. and by some twist of fate, D2 has no serious string players.

Mrs Au also referred to TC as a flat surface much to her chagrin and our amusement *evil giggles*.

one day i will be able to bend a little 0.7 SS bicycle at will...

I Cracked My Crown Wax Pattern, A-Top The Ole Kent Ridge

another day is passing...

optec was teh suxorz! spent it all whacking my stravag wax pattern into shape, and just as i was marginating and getting ready to have it signed so i could go sprue and invest, i found a whacking great big crack running across the top! so farewell to my carefully, lovingly crafted tripods as i melted the occlusal into nothingness repairing the wax...

was also reminded of how neglected my poor lil Kiroro cds have been since i got my FIR and Maroon 5, when AQ started humming away while waxing. and so they have been restored to a place of honour in my CD-ROM drive.

Track 2 (unpronounceable)-Kiroro: Four Leaf Clover

Friday, October 15, 2004

At The Beginning With You

mum and dad just left for mat-land to have fun without me and the bro. so, we will reciprocate in kind! amidst the mayhem of temporary orphan-hood i'll be trying to get this bloody blog to look like something resembling a blog. the layout is, frankly, shite at the moment. mebbe i should bribe diana *evil glee*

and why oh why does the yong siew toh free concert at VCH have to be the day before the RPD test? fat hope i'll be able to find pple to go...