Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Heigh Ho!

PubMed is an evil, fickle, complex system. for the life of me, searching it is a pain in the ass. either that or no-one does in-vitro studies on actual release of fluoride ions from composite resins.

today i made an investment! an investment is what happens when you entrust your hard-made assets into a the hands of another, where unseen by you, magical transformations will be made and hopefully in a while you will have substantial returns. yes indeedy... with a bit of luck i'll be burning out and casting tomorrow. got to go buy gold...

ran into the divine Ms Belle in the library today. looks like the medicos have been having it bad... 4 tests in a week, and the pharmaco isnt absorbing for her. which makes me shudder to think of what will happen when i get my results back.

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