Saturday, October 16, 2004

what a game! havent been smacked around that bad since... like... well... actually never! decided to skip orchestra.. think they'll be fine w/o me lah. and i'll actually say the time spent elsewhere was more fun. *sigh* which will be continued in about 10min as the Dental DotA clan prepare to ride again!

sadly, did not get to go and watch Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow. was talking to pj about watching it tonite, but in the end she ended up goin out with her family. cant begrudge her the time since her sis is bk from the UK with a spanking new Masters in Econs. looks like the charms of Jude Law lose to family ties.

lesson of the day: never say GG until your creeps are pounding the other guy's FT/tree to bits.

have decided to wear my pink Zara shirt and tie tmr. no better time to make a statement than when mum and dad arent ard. muahahahahahaha!

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