Saturday, October 16, 2004

I Cracked My Crown Wax Pattern, A-Top The Ole Kent Ridge

another day is passing...

optec was teh suxorz! spent it all whacking my stravag wax pattern into shape, and just as i was marginating and getting ready to have it signed so i could go sprue and invest, i found a whacking great big crack running across the top! so farewell to my carefully, lovingly crafted tripods as i melted the occlusal into nothingness repairing the wax...

was also reminded of how neglected my poor lil Kiroro cds have been since i got my FIR and Maroon 5, when AQ started humming away while waxing. and so they have been restored to a place of honour in my CD-ROM drive.

Track 2 (unpronounceable)-Kiroro: Four Leaf Clover

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