Thursday, May 19, 2005

I Dont Wanna Go Back Home, But I Dont Wanna Be Alone

i think school is just making me feel lower and lower. besides not having a person to bitch to (yeah a blog is not a person) 2 members of my DotA brotherhood are out of play. GF's com is messed up, and Stan's TFT CD is not with him.
i swear, for the life of me, bilateral balance has me baffled. i seem to be incapable of making the damn teeth in the denture line up for me and touch where i want them to. its been way too long to balance the blasted, infernal contraption. crowns rock, man. they just touch and they work. invest and cast and youre on your way to happiness. but noooo.... stupid dentures.
Ber contacted me about doing following spotlight for SMU's production of Anything Goes. looked like some kinda vaguely fun thing to do in the holidays, so i'll be checking the dates tomorrow with Dean's Office to see if im free. hope it turns out good!
I - Pug Jelly

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