Sunday, May 08, 2005

I'm Cleaning Out My Closet...

Happy Mother's Day!

and on that note, i'd like to write a bit about mothers. today Uncle Robert gave a testimony about his late mum. it was a different generation, the war generation to be exact but mothers are really the under-appreciated people in our society. they raise the children, and in the chinese family paradigm yer more likely to find people with impressions of their mums than their dads. not that this is the best or the healthiest situation but such is their power. even now i think a lot of the families are being held together by mothers who basically do everything possible...
was up on stage playing the prelude when Josh nudged me...
Josh: omg its teh GURMITZ!
me: simi? gurmit singh?! where?! where?!
and the dear chap had his back turned to me for like 2 min as i tried simultaneously playing flute without looking at my score while trying to spot him. it turns out that Gurmit Singh is somehow related to the aforementioned Uncle Robert, and was visiting for the week. he got mobbed by little kids at lunchtime asking for autographs lol.
Jo is in the states now, havent heard from her. according to her blog she had delays and missed connecting flights and all sorts of happening things. sheesh, all the fun while im here stuck w clinics...
Time Of Your Life - Green Day
*good luck for crown prep guys.. but then again luck has nothing to do with it*

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