Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Creeping, Insidious, Slow Onset, Inescapable

i guess its a sign of age when people who are your contemporaries start to pass away. although i didnt get to attend the wake service of Dr Alvin Tan, i'll still treasure the few reflective moments i had at his coffin-side. i hope that when its my turn to be the grey thing in the box, people will be able to remember that he was so much more than the sum total of the present contents of the box. that he lived, loved, fought, prevailed, created, healed, taught, made his impression in the world and cast something good out of it. will people miss me when i die?

OS posting week got off to a good start. got an assistantship and a LA exo done in a patient who wanted a 4-by-8 clearance. first time using a Warwick James too. and after that got to see Prof Yeo do an IMF on a patient with a left mandibular condyle fracture. arch bars with 0.5mm wire, heavy elastics and a little bit of magic, and you can really see the fracture reduce before your eyes! cool stuff...

Love and Honesty - BoA

Monday, January 16, 2006

Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation

here i am resuscitating the old blog. time flies, and so do stress levels. even a lack of work is stressful, its highly weird having no labwork to do because my patients aren't ready for prosthetics. blame it on my E&D i guess... and thats the bloody last time i do E&D under an instructor who doesnt give a shit. 3 extra cavities undetected! blows the mind...

watched Memoirs of a Geisha on saturday. its kinda weird with chinese people doing japanese characters. and Mameha is a bloody hilarious name! apart from that... well, nice visuals. okay plot, even though the ending was like so obvious as to be visible a mile off. and Gong Li has like a 1 unit right upper midline shift! very disturbing when she smiles...

Soh dug up a voice comms program to enhance our DotA playing experience. now i have an excuse to use the pre-packaged telemarketer-style headset i have. and the rest of the guys have been urged to pick one up for ourcombined gaming pleasure. Operation Jue Dui DotA-Star in progress!

心の手紙 - BoA

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Salvage Rights

school isnt getting any easier, i really hope that i can keep pace. the work load is pretty crazy cos of how sessions do, or dont, line up so as to facilitate our work.

had an amazing perio session, got to finish a class IV in one hour flat! it looks tolerable despite the lack of assistance, and while i think it could have been better aesthetically with an assistant to help micro-manage, the patient is happy. contours have been rebuilt. occlusion has been checked. and i can be confident of filling this kind of cavity.

the new battletech campaign is looking up. placed an open bid to sell off a salvaged JR7-D at 70% of cost, hope someone buys. need more firepower, and a VND-1R fits the bill. but need to ditch the unwanted mech to save on pilots. the unit really is picking up nicely, with a mix of mobility, speed and firepower in the medium weight class.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

A Sea Of Blinding Light

new year is the time of year where we binge-eat and feel sorry after! after like 2 large dinners in 3 days i feel the bulge coming back with a vengeance. wont be long before all the musical stress weight loss is counteracted.

met up with the 24ths at Hui's place on friday night. pretty well attended with the right people to keep things lively. and none of the obnoxious people who would make things awkward. there was almost exactly enough food, and we played some amazing polar bear! i think im a real sucker for RPGs...

the post-production party at Turtle's place was pretty good too! more amazing food and a lot of fun. its just a pity that parties have to end and that i tend to run out of steam around midnight. and this time there was enough food to really make me bloat. wonder what happened to all the excess...