Wednesday, November 10, 2004

On The Bridge To Avignon

had a disgusting mega-dinner, outeating the apetite on on legs, CE himself. think i overdid it though, feel like im going into my second trimester or something.

conversation of the brotherhood during dinner at one point mirrored the lunchtime conversation. why in the world do the class girls buy bikinis and then wear them under t-shirts where they cant be seen?

had an amazing behavioral science lecture. the shrink taking the class will be remembered not just for his weird surname (Fones) but also for his ability to make me not fall asleep. he had a loud voice and the ability to connect, and amazing synchronity with his slides. and he thinks well on his feet.

pbl was good. 3 questions and it was almost over... until we ended up designing RPDs. the hazard of being under a prostho goddess for pbl i suppose... but interesting nonetheless cos now i know how to design an rpd around very separated solitary abutments.

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